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Saturday, September 5, 2015

Tips For Selling Your Home - TIP # 8

Tip # 8


Among all the tips I can give you, this is by far the most serious.
Take good photos!
Whatever marketing scheme you use, online advertising, newspaper adds, social media etc., your home’s pictures are always needed. As for buyers, they have an abundance of properties to choose from and usually narrow it down based on several criteria. However, when it comes to choosing their favorites for viewing, they can easily discard a property based on its photos (Even though in reality the home may be beautiful).
In photos, try keeping them bright, and colorful. Keep your horizon and framing in order. Choose a good time during the day for photos. Night or day photography greatly depends on your home’s exterior or interior setting. Remove unnecessary clutter in photos and keep your photo quality sharp.
In all honesty, I would recommend hiring a professional photographer. Photos greatly impact your home’s “first impression”. So try to make a good impression on your buyers.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Tips For Selling Your Home - TIP # 7

Tip # 7

The more you put in, the more you can ask

This is a very simple equation….and logic.
Let’s say you buy a plain glass vase for $5. You buy $5 worth of glass painting supplies and paint the vase making it look absolutely beautiful. Taking into account labor time, you can sell that glass vase for $20. Making a decent, $10 profit.
Same goes for your home! Don’t be lazy about re-painting all the walls, upgrading the floors and counter tops, and re-carpeting. Remember how much money you put in, and you can easily include that into your selling price.
Typically when clients ask me how they could increase the “value” of their home, I always tell them to do an upgrade. Even simple tasks, such as planting special flowers into your garden increases your home’s equity.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Tips For Selling Your Home - TIP # 6

Tip # 6


Seriously. Sometimes half the flaws in a home can be fixed with a simple clean up. If you have carpets definitely get your carpet steam cleaned. Have a good look at your walls, doors, cabinets and see if they need some paint touch-up. Get a good cleaning detergent and scrub those counter tops, tabletops, shelves, and cabinets. Make them shine!
Also don’t forget the outdoors. Is your lawn clean? Trimmed? Neat? Landscaping is also part of your home.
Try to organize as much clutter as you can. This is a worth-it task, especially for photos.