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Saturday, August 29, 2015

Tips For Selling Your Home - TIP # 3

Tip # 3


When hiring a realtor to sell your house? An important question to ask them is “how are you going to market my home?”
Since I work for Coldwell Banker, the company provides several resources to its realtors on marketing a house. They are also well affiliated with 3rd party companies like Trulia or Zillow.
So I guess when hiring a realtor, the company they are from may matter. However, I know many realtors, not affiliated with big companies that are extremely successful. It’s really all about how much you make with what you got.

A typical advertising media is Social Media. It has definitely become an increasing trend to advertise using social media, and a realtor makes use of this platform immensely, along with other typical forms of online advertising like craigslist. Additionally, “open houses” are great events to get the word out to the public that there is a home being sold in the neighborhood.